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Moving Walks and Roads

Brand: AG Elevator

Moving walkways and paths are horizontal or inclined moving floor systems that facilitate the transportation of people or loads. They are generally used in places with heavy human traffic such as shopping malls, airports, large business centers, subway stations and hospitals. Moving walks are designed to both speed up the flow of people and provide fatigue-free transportation.


Escalators are a type of moving stairs used to transport people in multi-story buildings with heavy human traffic.
The steps are placed on a rotating mechanism to ensure continuous movement. They can carry many more people than elevators. The most preferred places are shopping malls, plazas, business centers, metro and train stations, hotels, airports, hospitals and exhibition centers.

Technical Information

Escalators can be manufactured at 30-35 degrees and with 600 mm, 800 mm, 1,000 mm step widths.
Escalators operate with low-speed and continuous motion motors. The speed is usually between 0.5-0.7 m/s and is adjusted so that users can move forward safely. Since they are equipped with sensors, they can detect the presence of the user and stop or move automatically if necessary.

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