After Sales Support

We can list after-sales services as follows:
  • Monthly (periodic) maintenance of elevators,
  • Elevator fault detection and emergency response services,
  • Annual technical inspections of elevators,
Elevator maintenance is an important issue that should not be underestimated. In buildings where elevators are used, it has become mandatory within the framework of the laws for the responsible persons and institutions to show the necessary sensitivity to the issue. Elevators are, in the simplest terms, systems consisting of electronic and mechanical devices. Like all kinds of building materials, the products used in elevators have a service life. It should also be remembered that every electronic and mechanical device can fail for various reasons. Maintenance is a very important factor for the smooth and reliable operation of the elevator. In monthly maintenance, all equipment that will affect life safety in the elevator is examined in detail, saving time in taking the necessary precautions. Maintained elevators have much fewer failures than non-maintained elevators. The importance given to the subject under the title of life safety in elevators brings you trouble-free elevator use. For this reason, having your elevators maintained has become a necessity for those responsible for the structures. Elevator maintenance is not a type of service that can be measured by expertise. Having elevator safety performed by competent companies authorized by the inspection institutions authorized by the laws is as important as the importance of elevator maintenance. Determining that the companies you have your elevator maintenance done are authorized is again the responsibility of the institutions and individuals responsible for the structures. As AG Elevator, we are an organization that has all the documents required for all processes from assembly to maintenance and operates only in the field of elevators and elevator technologies. We are pleased to provide service with importance on an important issue. We invite you to benefit from our maintenance services.
Frequently asked questions about After-Sales Services:
Is monthly maintenance necessary for elevators?
An elevator is a system group consisting of a combination of electronic and mechanical systems due to its structure. As with any mechanical and electronic device, technical and mechanical problems are possible in elevators. There are many products that directly affect life safety within the equipment that makes up the elevator. Monitoring the lifespan of these products allows elevator users to use them safely and comfortably. Elevators that do not receive monthly periodic service are much more likely to break down than elevators that are maintained. In addition, monthly maintenance is an important issue that should be taken into consideration by the institution and organization responsible for the structure. The person or organization responsible for the structure is directly responsible for all problems that may occur due to lack of maintenance.
How can I know that monthly maintenance is performed on elevators?
The person or organization responsible for the structure is obliged to sign and receive the document prepared by the technical staff of the institution providing periodic maintenance service, and the elevator company is obliged to have the document signed so that it can be determined that it fulfilled its responsibility with the maintenance service performed.
Can every company provide monthly maintenance service?
You need to have elevator periodic maintenance services performed by organizations that have the necessary documents to provide this service. The elevator company you receive service from; Check that it has the Ministry of Industry After-Sales Services Competence Certificate, TSE Service Place Competence Certificate, EN 13015:2002, Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Freelance Consultancy Certificate, Chamber of Electrical Engineers Freelance Consultancy Certificate. Do not forget to check that the visas of the institutions that have the certificate cover the date you receive the service. Our company has all the documents mentioned above.
How much should I pay to receive periodic service for our elevator?
Tariff information for elevator maintenance services is determined based on the prices determined by elevator professional associations. The amount determined for the service may vary according to the capacity of your elevator and the number of stops. Since there is no confederation or professional chamber responsible for determining elevator price tariffs, price tariffs may vary according to the agreements made with the company.
What does elevator after-sales service cover?
The scope of elevator after-sales services is determined by the Ministry of Industry and Trade; It is stated under the name of Elevator Maintenance and Operation Regulation, Official Gazette Date: 18/11/2008, Official Gazette Number: 27058.

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